Texas WIC’s New Contract Formulas

On Oct. 1, 2022, Texas WIC’s new formula contract went into effect. The listed Similac products
become the corresponding Enfamil product.

This Similac Product…. ….Becomes This Enfamil Product
Similac Advance 12.4oz PWD 

Enfamil Infant 12.5 oz PWD

Similac Advance 20.6oz PWD


Enfamil Infant 12.5 oz PWD


Similac Advance 30.8 oz PWD


Enfamil Infant 12.5 oz PWD


Similac Pro Advance 20.6oz PWD

Enfamil Infant 12.5 oz PWD

Similac Pro Advance 30.8oz PWD

Enfamil Infant 12.5 oz PWD

Similac Advance 13oz CON

Enfamil Infant 13oz CON

Similac Advance 32oz RTU

Enfamil Infant 32oz RTU

Similac Sensitive 12.5oz PWD


Enfamil Gentlease 12.4oz PWD

Similac Sensitive 20.1 PWD 

Enfamil Gentlease 12.4oz PWD

Similac Sensitive 29.8 oz PWD

Enfamil Gentlease 12.4oz PWD

Similac Pro Sensitive 20.1 oz PWD

Enfamil Gentlease 12.4oz PWD

Similac Pro Sensitive 29.8oz PWD

Enfamil Gentlease 12.4oz PWD

Similac Sensitive 32oz RTU

Enfamil Gentlease Neuropro 32oz RTU

Similac For Spit Up 12.5oz PWD

Enfamil A.R. 12.9 OZ PWD

Similac For Spit Up 19.5oz PWD

Enfamil A.R. 12.9 OZ PWD

Similac Total Comfort 12.6oz PWD

Enfamil Gentlease 12.4oz PWD

Similac PRO Total Comfort 20.1oz PWD

Enfamil Gentlease 12.4oz PWD

Similac PRO Total Comfort 29.8 PWD

Enfamil Gentlease 12.4oz PWD


WIC Experts On Bottle Prep

Experts Provide Tips On How To Clean, Prep Bottle For Babies

Preparing a bottle for your baby has several steps. Practice makes perfect, and expert advice is helpful when perfecting the best way to make your baby a bottle.

Texas WIC is a great resource for bottle prep and preparing formula. There isn’t much they don’t know about babies. The agency offers several tips on its website on everything from cleaning bottles, protecting against bacteria and storing formula.

As you familiarize yourself with the process of preparing a bottle, consider keeping the instructions handy as you learn how to prep a bottle and prepare formula.

WIC bottle Prep


WIC Bottle Prep

It is important to clean and prep a baby bottle correctly before giving it to your baby. This helps ensure that your baby drinks safely from the bottle and that the bottle is clean. Here are the steps WIC experts recommend you take:

  •  Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water.
  • Clean the baby bottle with hot water and soap and all of its parts and air dry 
  • Use a bottle brush to get to the bottom of the bottle.
  • Rinse and dry all parts thoroughly

Texas WIC experts recommend parents boil all bottle parts once a day to ensure all the germs are killed. Cover all baby bottle parts in a pot of boiling water for 5 minutes and then let them air dry. Store clean parts in a clean, covered container.  


If using a formula, prepare according to the baby’s needs and the manufacturer’s instructions. Always read the instructions provided with the formula. Every formula is different. Experts recommend.

  1. Make sure your work area/surface and hands are clean by washing before you begin.
  2. WIC recommends when mixing powdered formula to heat water to 158 degrees F to kill any possible bacteria. Shake bottle and cool the bottle by running it under cold water to ensure it is a safe temperature to feed your baby.
  3. Following the mixing instructions that come with the formula and mix with safe drinking water.
  4. Never microwave formula, which can create patches of hot formula that burn your baby. Also, “Sprinkle a few drops of formula on your wrist to make sure that it is not too hot” before giving the bottle to your baby, WIC experts recommend.
  5. Use formula within two hours of when you mix it, and when in doubt toss it.

Following these tips will help keep your baby safe and healthy while drinking from his or her bottle. If you have any questions contact your physician or your local WIC office

By |2022-05-04T08:58:54-05:00April 8th, 2022|Categories: Baby Food, Texas WIC, WIC Nutrition|Tags: |0 Comments